Monday, September 30, 2013


1. Elementary Science 6 Achievement Test Score of 27 Pupils Classified According to Prior Elementary Science Achievement and Performance on a Test of Rigidity

Rigidity Tendency                                              Prior Elementary Science Achievement
                                                   Low Achievers                Average Achievers              High Achievers
High Rigidity                                       40                                   53                                        61
                                                             42                                    45                                        51
                                                              37                                    50                                        58

Average Rigidity                                 46                                     52                                       58
                                                               45                                    53                                        60
                                                               47                                     52                                       57

Low Rigidity                                          52                                    54                                         64
                                                                53                                   56                                          64
                                                                 50                                   59                                         67

Alpha = 0.01
2.  Scores of 80 individuals of both sexes on an attitude scale after the administration of four different films
                  Males                                                                                  FILM
                                                                1              2              3              4
                                                                10           14           13           16
                                                                8              12           12           12
                                                                6              8              10           10
                                                                4              4              9              9
                                                                4              4              9              9
                                                                4              4              7              7
                                                                2              3              4              7
                                                                2              2              4              6
                                                                2              2              4              5
                                                                1              1              2              5

Females                                               14           14           10           18
                                                                12           13           10           16
                                                                12           12           10           15
                                                                10           11           9              14
                                                                8              10           9              13
                                                                6              9              7              10
                                                                4              7              7              10
                                                                2              6              6              10
                                                                2              3              5              10
                                                                1              2              4              9
Alpha = 0.05

3. Below are the scores of a group of fraternity and nonfraternity men broken down by class on a attitude scale.  Analyze these data following the factorial design and make the appropriate F tests.  Set alpha 0.01.
                                                                Fraternity Men
Freshmen           Sophomores      Juniors                  Seniors
12                                           22                           26                           30
8                                              18                           20                           26
10                                           12                           18                           20
6                                              20                           16                           22
8                                              8                              10                           18
                                                                Nonfraternity Men
18                                           20                           22                           24
16                                           18                           21                           22
8                                              12                           19                           16
12                                           18                           17                           18
14                                           16                           18                           24

4.  Apply the two-way ANOVA to the following data.  Use 5 percent level of significance.

English                                  Low Achievers                   Average Achievers          High Achievers
                                                                33                                           43                                           41
                                                                40                                           35                                           31
                                                                36                                           40                                           38

Filipino                                                  36                                           42                                           48
                                                                35                                           43                                           49
                                                                37                                           42                                           37

Median Test and the Mann-Whitney Test
The median test is a non-parametric test that determines the significance of the difference between the medians of two independent groups. 
1.        A researcher wished to compare the effect of a treatment upon the number of correct responses on an achievement test.  The experimental group received the treatment while the control group did not.  The data are indicated in the table below:
Experimental Group                                       Control Group
46           24                                                           48           16
45           24                                                           46           15
43           23                                                           42           15
41           21                                                           40           14
31           19                                                           38           13
31           17                                                           28           12
27           16                                                           19           10
26           13                                                           18           10
26           12                                                           18           9
25           9                                                              17           8
2. Below are the scores of a group of students who used a new teaching methodology and a group of students who were taught in traditional way.  Test the hypothesis of no difference using the median test at 5% level of significance.
                                New Method                                                     Traditional Method
                                6                              8                                              7                              5
                                14                           13                                           12                           13
                                16                           6                                              8                              6
                                9                              7                                              4                              5
                                10                           14                                           5                              12
                                10                           14

3.In the data below are two sample of scores obtained on the standardized achievement test.  Apply the median test to test the hypothesis of no difference.  Use 5% level of significance.
                Group A                                                               Group B
                47                           40                                           30                           48
                35                           37                                           32                           40
                30                           43                                           33                           42
                40                           32                                           35                           34
                25                           29                                           46                           28

Friedman Two-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks

When the data from K matched samples are in at least an ordinal scale, the Friedman two-way of variance by ranks is used to test the null hypothesis that the K samples have been drawn from

the same population.  The matched samples may be the same group of individuals who have been exposed to several conditions, or they be sets of individuals who have been matched on relevant variables and are randomly assigned to different conditions.

1.        How significant is the difference in the impressions of school special services personnel, classroom teacher, and department heads on the management practices of their school administrator?
Personnel Weighted Ave
Teachers weighted AVE
Heads Weighted Ave
1.       Interviews are conducted in recruiting personnel
2.       Examinations play an important role in recruitment
3.       Interviews are conducted before an applicant takes the exam.
4.       The applicant is oriented towards the practices of the organization.
5.       The applicant is likewise made aware of the disciplinary measures of erring personnel.

2.       A company’s trainees are randomly assigned to groups that are oriented on certain industrial inspection procedure by three different methods and at the end of the orientation period they are tested for inspection performance quality.  The following are their scores.
Method 1

Method 2
Method 3

3.       Below are the scores of three matched groups under four conditions.  Test the null hypothesis using the Friedman two-way ANOVA.  Alpha = 0.01
Groups                                                 I                               II                             III                            IV
A                                                             9                              4                              1                              7
B                                                             6                              5                              2                              8
C                                                             9                              1                              2                              6

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